Shelly’s story

by Shelly Bright

Shelly Bright
[email protected]

I call this my pigeon story… When I was in my early 20s, a young mother in an abusive relationship seeking God, i used to have an elderly couple come over during my son’s nap time to teach me about the Bible. I was trying to grow my faith and looking for any reason to believe the things that they were telling me were real and true. There was one day I was unloading groceries from my car. We lived in a small 2nd floor apartment on a busy Main Street in a tiny town in Pennsylvania. There was a pigeon that was near me that wasn’t flying away when I tried to shoo it. I felt something telling me to help the pigeon which I thought was crazy in my mind…
So I’m trying to get this pigeon, the entire time feeling like a crazy person because the pigeon was apparently injured and walked into the street so I had to follow it into the street… cars beeping, etc. I finally get the pigeon in my hands and I’m standing on the sidewalk and I literally looked up at the Sky and said “OK God, now what?” And at that exact moment the street light in front of me turned red and the car that stopped at the street light that turned red rolled down its passenger window and a young man looked at me and asked me what I was planning on doing with the pigeon. I responded and explained that I had no idea. And this young gentleman looks at me and says well, we are wildlife rehabilitators and I have a cage in the back of my car. Would you like us to take it?
All I can tell you is in that exact moment is when God became true and real to me.

3 Replies to “Shelly’s story”

    1. That is so true! My heart leaps when I see a sweet glimpse of an Almighty God who can reach down and answer a small need I might not even had formulated into a prayer. Yet He hears our hearts! What an impact that has made on me!!

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